While most people just see Zero as an actor/martial artist, in reality he ranks among those few in Hollywood who are multi talented. In a previous post we gave you a taste of everything Kazama, things which his rabit fans already know, but now there is some new Zero. He recently finished a little film beginning to end in 5 hours…that’s right…all the way down to the editing…that either means he is super talented or really crazy. In reality he is both (and in our opinion a great editor)! But that is why he is also someone whose career we love following.
Zero is taking a break from filming Silent Library in New York and will be back in L.A. That means we will be able to sit down with him for an interview next week, because he promised! Even before we get to the zero hour, we can tell you to expect the interview to be exciting, entertaining and as fun as everything Zero touches…stay tuned…