Mar 2, 2015 |
Since they are still filming in New Zealand, we reached our to our favorite ranger, blue ranger Koda, aka Yoshi Sudarso, to see how things have been going on Power Rangers Dino Charge!
Oct 6, 2014 |
Host Melissa Rodriguez sits down with the Creators of IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S ME , James Chuatoco and Cassandra Pimentel, and cast members Marilu Bustamante and Peter Jang. And all the way from New Zealand (filming Power Rangers: Dino Charge), cast member Yoshi...
Sep 19, 2014 |
YOSI SUDARSO KI HONG LEE DYLAN O’BRIEN SHANE DANIELS When Halloween comes around this year thousands of kids across America will be dressed up in blue as Yoshua Sudarso collecting candy. Why? Because the Power Ranger franchise is as strong as ever and “Yoshi” is...
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