Since we are fully engaged in discussion of films and conducting interviews with artists involved in the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, it’s a great time to mention our neighbor up north! Filmmaker Richard Fung contacted us about the Regent Park Film Festival in Toronto where he is the festival manager! Their call for submissions has been extended until May 20th and what’s even better is the festival has no entry fee!

Not only is it Toronto’s ONLY free-of-charge film festival, but it is dedicated to bringing the finest multicultural works. They showcase independent films of all length and genres with that focus on topics such as urbanization, community activism, immigrant experiences, inner city issues, cultural identity and multicultural relationships. The festival also programs films for Grades 1-8 addressing themes of difference, racial diversity, bullying, gender identity, poverty, health, and other issues relevant to youth. This year, they are emphasizing fictional feature and short length films from the Asian & African Diaspora. This is a great opportunity for Asian/Pacific Islander filmmakers!

To submit a film, visit their website here: and click on the word submissions on their home page!

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