Back in November Johnny Nguyen took time out from filming in India to talk about the making of Clash and his character in the film. Now that the film is being released in the USA, Johnny and actress Veronica Ngo have come to California to promote it’s release. Their time here is so short we are feeling very lucky to have snatched them away from the Vietnamese press briefly to talk about the film. This time we got to focus attention on Veronica’s involvement in the film project and her character. It was a great interview with some unexpected humor we know you’ll enjoy.
Clash is in selected theaters across the country starting March 11th and for those of you in the San Francisco area, they will be in attendance for the screening on March 11th so don’t miss them! For more information about where it will be screened go to the Clash website here:
Photographed and Edited by Eric Chenjie Pan